jueves, 12 de abril de 2018


Resultado de imagen para amigas

 Magdelin: your wedding picture are really beatiful, emiko.

Bisell: Thank you. Those pictures were taken right after the ceremony?

Magdelin: Where was the ceremony?

Bisell: At a shrine. When people get married in japan, they sometimes have the ceremony shirine.

Magdelin: That´interesting. Were there a lot of people there?

Bisell: Well, usually only familiy members and close friends go to ceremony. But afterward we had a reception with family and friends.

Magdelin: So, what are receptions like in japan?

Bisell: It sounds like fun

Mgdelin: There ´s  a big dinner, and after the food is serverd, the guests give speeches or sing song.

Bisell: It sounds like fun

Magdelin: It really is. And then, before the guests leave, the bride and groom give the presents.

Bisell: The guests get presents?

Magdelin: Yes, and the guests give money to the bride and groom.

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