jueves, 12 de abril de 2018


Resultado de imagen para amigas

 Magdelin: your wedding picture are really beatiful, emiko.

Bisell: Thank you. Those pictures were taken right after the ceremony?

Magdelin: Where was the ceremony?

Bisell: At a shrine. When people get married in japan, they sometimes have the ceremony shirine.

Magdelin: That´interesting. Were there a lot of people there?

Bisell: Well, usually only familiy members and close friends go to ceremony. But afterward we had a reception with family and friends.

Magdelin: So, what are receptions like in japan?

Bisell: It sounds like fun

Mgdelin: There ´s  a big dinner, and after the food is serverd, the guests give speeches or sing song.

Bisell: It sounds like fun

Magdelin: It really is. And then, before the guests leave, the bride and groom give the presents.

Bisell: The guests get presents?

Magdelin: Yes, and the guests give money to the bride and groom.

Resultado de imagen para steven universe


fruit punch
roast turkey

Resultado de imagen para festival gif

What is your favorite holiday?


 My favorite holiday is Holy week. Because there are no classes, and I have more time to devote to me, watching series, I go out with my family, I go to church, and like many beans with sweetness.

My favorite holiday is Christmas, because I get together with my family and see my cousins, which I see annually. as much and hard all day in bed with my cousin. also on that day many TV movies like: Mi probre angelito 1 and 2 go through the TV


Resultado de imagen para holidays


January or febrary: chinesse people celebrate whit firecrackers and lion dances


May 5: japanese families put up colored stremers shaped like fish, in honor of their children.


November 2: Mexican families offer food to the dead and then have a meal in cemetery.

Unity 8: Let´s Celebrate!

Resultado de imagen para holidays


Holidays and Festivals. :3


Star on the last friday on march.
We commemorate it in a traditional way, going to church and helping and eating beans with sweet.

VALENTINE´S DAY Febrary 14: peaple in many contries give chocolates, flowers, or jewlry to the people they love.

Febrary 27:  we celebrate it with parades in the malecon DAY OF DUARTE January 26:
They do not teach or anyone works. Activities are carried out in the colonial zone and schools and schools make parades one day before.


January 6: is celebrated by giving gifts to young children


April 30: nobody works that day

CHRISMAS December 25: It is the day where family and friends meet. here in the DR is the international day of reheating.

Resultado de imagen para miley gif}


Carla: Can i borrow your phone to call my boss?

Fitz: I can´t believe you still don´d have a cell phone. Here you go.

Carla: Thanks. Now, what do i need to do?

Fitz: First of all, be sure to turn it on, And don´t forget to dial the area code.
Carla: OK, i can see the number, but i can´t hear anything.

Fitz: That´s beacouse you haven´t pressed the ''call'' button 

Carla: Oh, good. It´s ringing.

Fitz: Try not get too excited. You´ll probably get his voice mail.

Carla: You´re right. It´s a recording. 

Fitz: Make sure to hit the ''end'' button or else you''ll leave our conversation on his voice mail!!

Resultado de imagen para gente hablando


Satellite                    Assignment              Data            Thasks
Internet                     Computer              Games           Photocopies

Photograph              CD-ROM              Criminals       weather

Invention                 Entertain              The web          Information

Resultado de imagen para redes sociales

 What doy you know abaut this technology?


Facebook is used to upload photos and see memes

Instragram is used to upload photos and see histories

Snapchat is used to take pictures and use the filter of the flowers and the puppy.
Resultado de imagen para tecnologia

Other examples are:

Satellites are used  to study the world´s weather.
Satellites are used for studying the wold´s weather.
A PDA is used for storing address and phone numbers.

Unity 7 What`s this for?

Verb ''Used to''

We use the modal verb "used to" to indicate something that happened or happened in the past in a habitual way. Also, it is used for something that was once true but is no longer true. As with the other modal verbs, "used to" is followed by the base form of the verb (the infinitive without "to").
Resultado de imagen para gente usando celulares
Examples: What are these items used for.

I usually use my phone to talk with my boyfriend and my best friend.

I use my computer to send e-mails.
Computers are often to pay bills.

I use my computer for sending e-mails.
Computers are often used for paying bills.

martes, 10 de abril de 2018


Resultado de imagen para objetos
*pick up the toys please
*dont like my friend
*bother me about homework
*dont study enough


Resultado de imagen para objetos
sorry                turn
give                  clean
pick                 hang
off                    TV
toys                  boots


Resultado de imagen para personas conversando gif

Morel: Jason... Jason¡ Turn down the TV, please.
Jason: Oh, but this is my favorite program¡
Morel: Ok. I`ll turn it down
Jason: Thats better Thanks
Morel: Definitely¡

Grammar Focus

Resultado de imagen para objetos
Turn down the tv                               
Turn the down
Pick  your things
Pick up your things             

Unidad 6: Ok. No problem¡

Resultado de imagen para niños contra adultos

common complainst of families with teenagers

My parents and I almost always fight for who should perform the trades. They also say that I do not do anything and that I should study more. I know what they do because they love me but sometimes I would like a break


Resultado de imagen para fotos de viajes

Each trip is a new story.

Grammar Focus

what are you going to do?
I'm going to relax at the beach.
we're going to go surfing every day.
I'm not going to do anything spacial.

what are going to do.
I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay home.
Maybe I'll whatch a few DVD's.
I don't know. I think I'll go comping.
I probably won't go anywhere.


Resultado de imagen para personas conversando

Magdelin: I'm so excited! We have two weeks off!
what are you going to do?

Florangel: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay home.
Maybe I'll watch a few DVD's. What
about you? Any plans?

Magdelin: Yeah, I'm going to relax at the beach with my
cousin for a couple of weeks. we're going to
go surfing every day

Florangel: Sounds like fun.

Magdelin: Say, why don't you come with us?

Florangel: Do you mean it? I'd love to!  I'll bring my surfboard!

Unidad 5

Resultado de imagen para viajes

I want someday to have the opportunity to travel to several places and to know different cultures. Among the places I would like to visit are the United States and France.

Unidad 5


Resultado de imagen para viajes

My first trip was to Higuey. On this trip I saw the Virgin of Altagracia and walked many places in Higuey. I arrived at the house of many cousins ​​and I met many.