martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

Unidad 4 Food

Italian food:
My group and I, who were group four, talked about the Italian food in the classroom today, there we could see how the most typical dishes of that country were created, besides where they came from. I liked the way we did it, we spoke English perfectly and I had a lot of fun.

Home, sweet home

 Imagen relacionada 
my house is white with blue and pink. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a gallery and a very large patio. in it there is a closet. It's not that big, but I like it a lot.


Jose: so, are you still living with your parents , Ariel? 
Ariel: I'm afraid so. I wish i had my own apartaments.
Jose: why don't you like living at home?
Ariel: it's ok, but my parents are always sking me to he home before midnght. I wish they'd stop worrying about me.
Jose: yeah, parents are like that! 

Ariel: and they expect me to help around the House. I hate housework. I wish life weren't so difficult. 

Jose: so, why dont you move out?

 Ariel: hey, I wish l could, but where else can I get free room and board?

he wishes...

  • he wishes he enjoyed his job 
  • he wishes he visit you friend 
  • he wishes he go to the movies 

  • I wishes finish the school 
  • I wishes to have a job
  • I wishes to have my own house 

I wish ...

Resultado de imagen para I wish

Unidad 3: Time for a change

Resultado de imagen para I wish


Manuela: excuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is?

Pedro: there's one upstairs, from the duty-free shop.

Manuela: do you know what time it opens?

Pedro: it should be open now. It opens at 7:00 Am.

Manuela: oh, good. And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city.

Pedro: you need to check at the transportation counter. It's right down the hall.

Manuela: ok. And just one more thing. Do you know where the rest rooms are?
Pedro: right behind you. Do you see where that sign is?

Manuela: oh. Thanks a lot.

Summary of unit 2 in questions and answers


1. are there any traffic-free zones? if so, where are they located? 
  •       no, there aren't 

2. How do most people travel to and from work?
  • in the car
3.what's the rush hour like?
  • yes
4.what's the city biggest problem?
  • too much crime 
Resultado de imagen para productos contables e incontables en ingles

Adverbs of quantity


1. There are too many police officers. 

2. there should be fewer  cars  in the city.

3. there is'nt enough public transportation. 

5. there should have more public perking garages.

Adverbs of quantity

Resultado de imagen para enough is enough ingles

Adverbs of quantity

Resultado de imagen para too many and too much

Problem in a city

Resultado de imagen para ciudad

The problems that my city has are that there is no law, there are many murders and they do not find guilty. There are also many thieves and sesinatos since crime is being a problem for the people and justice does not provide the correct answers, the people deside asecinar who finds stealing. Another problem is that politicians steal money and the streets are full of holes.

Unidad 2: caught in the rush

Imagen relacionada                    Imagen relacionada
Street lights                                                      taxi stand

Resultado de imagen para estacion de autobus                  Resultado de imagen para trafico
Bus stop                                                           traffic jam

Used to...

  • I used to...  I played whith my friend
          Now... I read book and studies

  • I used to... like regueton 
  • Now... I like music electronic 

These verbs.

              verb                    Past tense 

  • be                                   was\ were
  • lose                                 lost
  • scream                            scremed
  • get                                     got
  • write                                 writed
  • hide                                   hid

Simple past tense

Resultado de imagen para verbo did


1. Florangel: could you tell me a little about youself? where were you born?
Magdeline:  I was born in Korea.
Florangel: were you grow up there?
Magdeline: no, I wanst I was up in canada.

2. Lia: where did you go to high school?
    Veronica: I went to high school in Ecuador.
     Lia: And where were you graduate?
    Veronica: I was last year. Now I work as a salesperson.
Resultado de imagen para was were ejemplo

  • Carmen was a student at that school
  • we were at the beach this morning
  • you were married 
Resultado de imagen para was| were

A time to remember ...

                                     was | were

Resultado de imagen para was| were